Learning Python-Basic course: Day 21, Summary of the week and dictionary exercises.
Originally published on the Dev.to platform here
Today we will do more questions related to dictionaries for a thorough revision. In the process, we also will learn a few methods related to dictionaries.
Summary of the week-
- Day 18 We learnt about dictionaries. We checked out one example which covered many inbuilt functions related to dictionaries.
- Day 19 We practiced a few questions on dictionaries and had quite a thorough practice of dictionaries in Python. We did programs to fuse two separate lists to a single dictionary, paired out even numbers and made fancy dictionaries using for loops.
- Day 20 We learnt about hashtables and how to create them using dictionaries. We tried out simple and chained hashtables and worked out information retrieval using them.
Sample question-Concatenate two dictionaries.
We will now fuse two dictionaries to create a new one using the update()
a={1:10, 2:20}
b={3:30, 4:40}
for i in (a,b):
#for every element in dictionary a AND dictionary b,
#update the dictionary to include these values.
{1: 10, 2: 20, 3: 30, 4: 40}
Conflict resolution- In case both the dictionaries have a same key, in that case the last value is held true by the update()
a={1:10, 2:20}
b={3:30, 4:40 , 2:60}
for i in (a,b):
for i in (b,a):
{1: 10, 2: 60, 3: 30, 4: 40}
{1: 10, 2: 20, 3: 30, 4: 40}
Editing keys.
I know what you all must be thinking. Keys are non-mutable right? Yes. they are. but here is a cleaver trick
a = {
# Replace 'e' by 'd'
a["d"] = a.pop("e")
{'b': 2, 'a': 1, 'c': 3, 'd': 4}
Today there are no exercises from my side..😃...But wait!😒 I am providing a reference link for taking on a dictionary quiz to clear all your concepts!😋 Dictionary quiz by PYnative The quiz contains 14 Questions. 14/14 is the target
Comment your progress below by pasting screenshot of your scores!🤠
✌️So friends that's all for now. 😊 Hope you all are having fun.😎 Please let me know in the comment section on dev.to. And don't forget to like the post there if you did. 😍 I am open to any suggestions or doubts. 🤠 Just post in the comments below or gmail me. 😉
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Thank you all👍
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