Learning Python- Intermediate course: Day 36, Summary of the week
Originally published on the dev.to platform here
Summary of the week
Day 33 We learnt about the menu widget in Python. The menu widget is used to create dropdown menus for application commands.
Day 34 We covered three widgets, top-level, paned window and the message widget. The toplevel widget is used to represent some extra information, pop-up, or the group of widgets on the new window. The toplevel windows have the title bars, borders, and other window decorations. The Paned Window widget acts like a Container widget for holding many widgets in place. The message widget is similar to the label widget and is used to display messages.
Day 35 We covered the message-box widget. The message-box widget is used to to display popup messages with different signs and symbols for specific instances of messages like errors or warnings. It can also be used to ask question to user in a yes/no format.