Package ann4j

Class ModelEvaluator


public class ModelEvaluator extends Object
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • ModelEvaluator

      public ModelEvaluator()
  • Method Details

    • updateConfusionMatrix

      public void updateConfusionMatrix(ArrayList<Double> expectedOutputArray, int predictedNeuronNum)
      This function updates the confusion matrix by comparing the expected output array with the predicted output array
      expectedOutputArray - The expected output of the neural network.
      predictedNeuronNum - The index of the neuron that was predicted to be the correct one.
    • updateConfusionMatrix

      public void updateConfusionMatrix(ArrayList<Double> expectedOutputArray, ArrayList<Double> actualOutputArray)
      This function takes in two arrays, one of expected outputs and one of actual outputs, and updates the confusion matrix accordingly __ __ __ __ |TP FP | 0 1 |FN TN | 2 3
      expectedOutputArray - The expected output of the neural network
      actualOutputArray - The actual output of the neural network
    • initializeList

      public void initializeList(int size)
      Initialize the confusion matrix to all zeros
      size - The number of classes in the dataset.
    • updatePredictionData

      public void updatePredictionData(double prediction, double label, double confidance)
      This function updates the prediction data
      prediction - The prediction of the model.
      label - The actual label of the data.
      confidance - The confidance of the prediction.
    • reset

      public void reset()
      This function resets the confusion matrix, the correct counter, and the turns counter
    • resetConfusionMatrix

      public void resetConfusionMatrix()
    • getAccuracy

      public double getAccuracy()
      It returns the accuracy of the player as a percentage
      The accuracy of the player.
    • setTrainingaccuracy

      public void setTrainingaccuracy(double accuracy)
      This function sets the training accuracy of the model
      accuracy - The accuracy of the model on the training data.
    • getTrainingAccuracy

      public double getTrainingAccuracy()
      This function returns the training accuracy of the model
      The training accuracy of the model.
    • setTestingaccuracy

      public void setTestingaccuracy(double accuracy)
      This function sets the testing accuracy of the model
      accuracy - The accuracy of the model on the test data.
    • getTestingAccuracy

      public double getTestingAccuracy()
      This function returns the testing accuracy of the model
      The testing accuracy of the model.
    • printConfusionMatrix

      public void printConfusionMatrix(InputFileReader fileReader)
      It prints the confusion matrix
      fileReader - This is the object of the InputFileReader class.